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A5 size, 81+102 color pages. FREE e-book version of both parts, worth RM 30
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Click the highlighted book name above to see the video review about it (at YouTube shorts)
B6 pocket size, 60 color pages
Click the highlighted book name above to see the video review about it (at YouTube shorts)
B6 pocket size, 44 color pages.
With QR codes to video demonstration for each procedure
Get this SMART guidebook for FREE when you join our Clinical Skills Wokshop here
Nebulizer Pocket Book of Adult Dosages & Normal Values
Click the highlighted book name above to see the video review about it (at YouTube shorts)
A6 pocket size, 47 pages
More item NOW available for Paeds Posting!
NICU Essentials
32 color pages, pocket size - random color
Neonatal Workbooks - TFI & NNJ
Step by step guide & practice to understand & master;
- fluids calculation in neonates patients
-Neonatal jaundice; how to determine risk factor & photolevel
52 + 64 color pages, B6 pocket size
Paeds Crash Cards;
Quick reference to aid paed's patient recussitation!
12 color pages, pocket size
Paeds Lanyard Notes
Easy, quick reference during clerking, review & round with MO & specialist!
8 color pages + metal ring (to hang at your lanyard), pocket size
Paeds Pocket notes;
Newborn Examination & Developmental Assessment
2 color pages/each, foldable to pocket size
Measuring Tape
One touch - auto retractable, 150 cm, yellow-orange color
Medical/General Pocket notes;
GSC & Radiology
2 color pages/each, foldable to pocket size